Concept and Director: Anja Gronau
Stage: Mi Ander
Costumes: Olaf Habelmann
Acting: Katharina Eckerfeld
Renate Regel
Martina Schiesser
Rosa - "I was, I am, I will be" is an evening of Anja Gronau, where three actresses were playing one person: Rosa Luxemburg (1871-1919). She was one of the most excepotional thinkers and politicians of the early 20th century in Germany and she was a revolutionary. Assuming from Marx, she had a current view on economy and the financal system and all that, was getting actuall again, since the breakdown of Lehman Brothers in 2008. "Rosa would find ones way very well in our days". Rosa Luxemburg was shot in 1919 and then thrown into a river.
For the stage I disigned a number of gangplanks on a shiny black ground covering, which gave the illusion of water.