Untitled, 2013 - Aernout Mik

Photos of the Performance

The black and white photos are taken during the rehearsals.

After being introduced by Aernout Mik and a several rehearsals, we distributed among the audience, "performing presence". On our second day, right after the lecture of Piotr Piotrowski in the main auditorium, we got up and started to speak in tongues. Each of us in an individualy language, which was foreground not to understand. As we were almost half of the listeners, it rised up like a wave, getting more and less intense. All others were irritaded and attracted and so they didn't left. Ending little by little, it took about 25 minutes. Unfortunately, there is no sound with the photos.

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Photos of the Performance
Photo Bastian Jonas Schneider
Photos of the Performance
Photos of the Performance
Photos of the Performance
Photos of the Performance
Photos of the Performance
Photo Bastian Jonas Schneider
Photos of the Performance
Photo Bastian Jonas Schneider
Photos of the Performance
Photo Bastian Jonas Schneider
Photos of the Performance
Photo Bastian Jonas Schneider
Photos of the Performance
Photo Bastian Jonas Schneider